The skills shaping tomorrow's media ecosystem

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What are the skills and expertise our media industry will need going forward?

What does the future hold as we look to leverage AI and data science to enable organisations to unlock audience insights now and in the future?

The results of our pulse survey of media industry leaders across the world paint a picture of the skills shaping the media ecosystem of tomorrow.

Scroll down to discover the results

About the survey

We spoke to Kantar Media clients and the wider industry across both the buy and sell-side, from large corporations to specialist agencies. All respondents were directly involved in data, research and insight.


from our clients and industry connections 

across the media ecosystem

involved in data, research and

Interviews were completed online between 10th April to 10th May 2024.

Key findings

No room for complacency: a clear desire to adapt and change

Everyone acknowledges the need for change, but how far are you prepared to go?

Read more

Reshaping talent profiles and skills to meet new challenges

What are the skill sets that organisations across the world need today and tomorrow?

Read more

The bigger picture:
balance and collaboration

Our industry is in a state of flux, so how will we sustain this momentum?

Read more

No room for complacency:
a clear desire to adapt and change

Organisations are adapting recruitment strategies and tactics to broaden the talent pool.
With low levels of complacency and a clear desire to adapt, everything is changing.

New perspectives

believe it's important to recruit from outside the media industry

Shaping the future

are significantly reshaping their organisation's talent and skills profile

Challenge the conventional

want to recruit people who will challenge the status quo

Embracing change:
a personal perspective

Media leaders everywhere acknowledge the need to adapt to the challenges of data at scale, multiple sources of insight and the opportunities presented by AI, but how far are you prepared to go?

Better together:
ITV's integrated insights & data science team


ITV, the UK’s largest commercial TV broadcaster and streamer, works with audience data from first- and third-party data sources. Making sense of that data relies on researchers and data scientists who became a single team recently.  Find out their experience as they brought the teams together.


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Related resources

Beyond Bias

Break free from stereotypes and boost your marketing impact.

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Reshaping talent profiles and skills to meet new challenges

AI is already having an impact on our industry, with nearly half of leaders surveyed already seeing an impact on their organisation. Technology and talent go hand-in-hand, leveraging brilliant minds to push the boundaries of what can be achieved.  

How can we harness, bolster and sharpen those minds? What are the skill sets that data and insight teams across the world need today and tomorrow?

We asked about the skill sets clients are looking for in their teams now (2024) and those likely to increase in importance over the next three years. 

Top 10 most important skills today




Top 5 skills most likely to increase in importance in the future



" If you are making decisions about your business right now, without people under the age of 40 or 30 in the room, if you are not diversifying thought by the users you most need to make your business survive, you will fail. " 
Evan Shapiro

AI & Storytelling:
thoughts from a media cartographer

Evan Shapiro is well-known as the official, unofficial cartographer of the Media Universe since Deadline published his first Media Universe Map.

Never short of an opinion we caught up with Evan to get his perspective on the results of the survey, broaden our horizons and challenge our thinking.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

Related resources

Beyond Bias

Break free from stereotypes and boost your marketing impact.

Download now

PDF Document

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The bigger picture:
balance and collaboration

Our findings present an industry with clear momentum when it comes to training and developing talent. Everyone is looking to attract, retain and inspire the next generation of media leaders

Recruitment challenges

find it hard to compete with other organisations to recruit talent

Keeping great talent

find it hard to retain the best talent

Understanding media

think that understanding how media works is essential for new recruits to their organisation

Recruitment challenges


find it hard to compete with other organisations to recruit talent

Keeping great talent


find it hard to retain the best talent

Understanding media 


think that understanding how media works is essential for new recruits to their organisation

Purposeful collaboration

Organisations are placing an ever-greater emphasis on re-skilling through training and mentoring to engage and grow their teams. Beyond hard skills, it reflects a broader ambition across the industry to engage and retain talent.

Purposeful collaboration is an important behaviour that senior leaders across the world recognise and value.

How will we sustain this momentum?
Are we ready to face the next set of challenges?

As we welcome and nurture the next generation of media researchers, their own media consumption habits honed and formed in a radically different way to the generation before.  

We are collectively responsible, not only to collaborate and to connect talent and skills but to establish the thinking and groundwork. In doing so we will make the building of talent and skills for the future prosperity of our industry increasingly effective as we seek to  understand audience insights and unlock more value for all.

We hope you’ve found these findings interesting and would welcome your feedback.

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